be very fond ofの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. They both appear to be very fond of and concerned about children.
  2. The Prince was known to be very fond of smart uniforms and medals.
  3. Ravenpaw and Barley seem to be very fond of them.
  4. She also appears to be very fond of him.
  5. For all of Vicious's notoriety, says Temple, " I think if people met Sid, they'd be very fond of him.


  1. "be very cocky"の例文
  2. "be very effective"の例文
  3. "be very embarrassed"の例文
  4. "be very excited"の例文
  5. "be very exciting"の例文
  6. "be very fragrant"の例文
  7. "be very good"の例文
  8. "be very intimate with"の例文
  9. "be very likely to"の例文
  10. "be very modest"の例文
  11. "be very excited"の例文
  12. "be very exciting"の例文
  13. "be very fragrant"の例文
  14. "be very good"の例文

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